Archive for May, 2008

Thursday, May 29th, 2008

What readers really want…?

After another intensive excursion to the Stygian depths of PHASE THREE, today I emerged from my bathysphere at last and, blinking, took myself off (yes! out of the house!) to The Cartoon Museum. The museum itself was thoroughly awesome – this was the first time I’ve been, and it’s full of all sorts of comics-related […]

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Friday, May 23rd, 2008

One thousand friends for Jagmat!

Who’d’ve guessed it? Around ONE THOUSAND PEOPLE have now made MySpace friends with me, Jagmat – even after the grossly disrespectful way the foolish Enthoven chose to portray me in ‘is ‘orrible debut novel The Black Tattoo. What can I say? You’ve made this supposedly repulsive, belching, shape-shifting “blancmange-like” demon feel surprisingly welcome. And after […]

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Wednesday, May 21st, 2008

‘The exact book…’

To St Bonaventure’s School in Newham today, to speak to around forty Year 8 students. This was an absolute monster of a session: due to some administrative miscommunication I’d found out – yesterday – that instead of (as I’d thought) being booked for two hour-long talks with different groups, in fact I was going to […]

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Tuesday, May 20th, 2008


Q&A time again. My thanks and best wishes today to Edward Z, who asks: Is any of the stuff about nanobots in Tim actually true, or are nanobots in general just a completely made up concept used only for literature and film purposes? I know there is nanotechnology, but actual nano robots? Hey Edward! Sorry […]

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Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Guestbook Goodness – and a fine review!

My, my, what a lot of updates I seem to be posting lately! But I’ve got to tell you about these: First up, here’s a wonderful review of Tim that was forwarded this morning from my UK publishers. YAY! ‘REX AND VIOLENCE: Forget your Dark Materials, Eragons and Narnias. If ever a children’s book deserves […]

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Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

Arm-waving at EGA

This afternoon it was my great privilege to go do my stuff at Elizabeth Garrett Anderson school for girls. It’s actually the third time I’ve been invited there; it was a pleasure as always… …and, also as always at my events, I waved my arms about like a big, black-clad, blond baboon. 😉 Let’s start […]

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Monday, May 12th, 2008

Once a fool…

Hey there! Just surfacing briefly from deep-drilling work on PHASE THREE to tell you about the excellent weekend I just had. Spent a lot of it on TRAINS, but it was definitely worth it! On Saturday I got up at stupid o’clock to catch my first train of the weekend, going from London’s King’s Cross […]

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Thursday, May 8th, 2008

No! Sleep! Till BEDTIME!

I’m here, I’m alive but I’m incredibly dopey, and I’m horribly SHORT OF KIP. It’s my own fault, of course. I sat up late into last night reading, utterly gripped, first by George Pelecanos‘ majestic mystery novel HELL TO PAY. And then, once that reached its wonderful conclusion, like the story-addicted fool that I am […]

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Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

Hornsey Chatterbooks and the Creatures of the Deep Blue Sea!

I’ve just come back from my second official visit to Hornsey Library, in Crouch End, North London – lair of supreme ninja librarian Sean Edwards and his excellent Chatterbooks Reading Group! I’ve spoken to this reading group before, back in October 06, and while (most of!) the faces have changed, the feeling has not: their […]

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