My brain has conked out for the holidays. I’ll be back in Jan, I swear, even if I have to feed electrodes up my nose and JOLT the porridge-like grey matter into life to do it (again ;p) Mean time, here are some FESTIVE MONSTERS.

First up, by way of the ever-brilliant Boing Boing, check out this Siphonophore. It’s “an eerily fantastic creature that appears to be a single, large organism, but which is actually a colony of numerous individual jellyfish-like animals that behave and function together as a single entity.”

Isn’t that amazing?? I do my best to make up decent monsters, but… wow! Put this/these dude/dudes in a book, someone, please!

Next, in case you haven’t seen it already, here’s some recently released footage of an extremely rare elbowed Magnapinna squid who recently paid a visit to a deep sea drilling site….

As Ryan North of Dinsoaur Comics says in his inimitable style, “So octopods are terrifying and we all know that but […] oh hey, looks like they’ve DEVELOPED ELBOWS AND INSANELY LONG ARMS AND LOVE TO STARE UNBLINKING AT THE CAMERA. holy crap you guys.” Quite.

Third, here’s something that I’m secretly a bit pleased with. In one of my other lives I get to play with some truly excellent musicians in a band called Sour Mash Daddy And His Sixty Wives: I don’t normally mention our activities here, partly because we appear in public about as often as… well… the elbowed Magnapinna squid! But on Dec 6th we did play a gig, and some film footage of this rare occurrence has survived (thanks, Laura). I should explain that singing duties are normally taken care of by members of the band who actually, like, know how to sing. But…

Heh (blushes) Hope you get a kick out of it! ;p

My thanks, and a HUGELY HAPPY FESTIVE WOSSNAME, to everyone who happens to be reading this. Here’s to 2009, and whatever new adventures we have in it!


Comments? Suggestions? Questions? Me and THE WEBSPHINX would love to hear from you! Drop us a line at the Tim, Defender of the Earth Guestbook for current or Tim stuff, or The Black Tattoo Guestbook for Black Tat stuff. First (or demon-!) names only, please. 😉