…I’ve cracked it!

I just heard back yesterday from my editors and they are “delighted” with the third draft of Phase Three Of My Sinister Masterplan To Conquer The Universe. Only a few more tweaks and we can go to the copyedit stage.

I am very, very happy. This short book has been a long slog, but all the work and time and effort are coming together at last — and I’m hopeful that, if you like fast-paced storytelling, the results are going to knock your socks off.

Excuse me, but I feel some more Muppet-style arm-waving coming on. HEE HEE HEE HEE! 😀


Comments? Suggestions? Questions? Me and THE WEBSPHINX would love to hear from you! Drop us a line at the Tim, Defender of the Earth Guestbook for current or Tim stuff, or The Black Tattoo Guestbook for Black Tat stuff. First (or demon-!) names only, please. 😉