My name is Sam. I write fantastical action thrillers for young people. Welcome to, the website THE WEBSPHINX and I have created to help promote what I modestly call Phase Two* of my Sinister Masterplan to Conquer the Universe. Bwah-ha. Bwah-ha-ha-ha! Bwah-HAAA-HAAAAA-HAAAAAAA-HAAAcough-choke-burst-gurgle-thunk. a giant monster story, in the venerable tradition of city-stomping classics like Gamera, Godzilla and King Kong. Essentially, writing this book meant spending two years of my life gleefully dreaming up fun ways to destroy famous London buildings, with particular reference to their potential use as melée weapons. HEE HEE HEE!
On with the sinister masterplan! Snort, chew, RAAAAAAAAAAGH! -Er, 'scuse me,
*If you don't know about the masterplan's Phase One, my debut novel The Black Tattoo, then hit the link to take a look!