TIM Defender of the Earth
TIM Defender of the Earth - By Sam Enthoven.

Who is Sam Enthoven?

With his rollicking 2006 debut THE BLACK TATTOO, Sam Enthoven fulfilled his dream to become an internationally published author of fantastical action thrillers for young people. Since then he's been touring schools and libraries in his native Britain, inspiring hundreds of budding readers with his passion and enthusiasm. TIM, DEFENDER OF THE EARTH is his second book – or as he modestly puts it, 'Phase Two of my sinister masterplan to conquer the universe!'


With his 'orrible 2006 debut THE BLACK TATTOO, Sam Enthoven picked the wrong demon to mess with. Soon afterwards, less than amused with the disrespectful way in which Enthoven foolishly chose to portray him in that book, the ugnacious Jagmat Wrelkmink came through from Hell personally with one thing on his mind: PAYBACK. Having tracked down the hapless Enthoven and wreaked his moist vengeance upon him, Jagmat the shapeshifter has assumed his victim's identity. "You humans taste funny," he says, "and this two arms/ two legs thing of yours feels kind of stupid. But – heh! – I gotta say, it's fun being an author! Urp. 'Scuse me."